We’re always seeking fresh, engaging, and high-quality content to enrich our platform. Before submitting your pitch, take some time to explore our site and understand the topics we cover. This will ensure your ideas align well with our audience’s needs and interests. Please note, we do not accept guest posts that have been previously published elsewhere.
At LearnQuranSalah, we strive to maintain a respectful, inclusive, and inspiring platform for our readers. We will not publish any content that promotes hate or negativity toward any religion, community, country, or political party. Instead, we welcome guest posts that encourage peace, understanding, and unity, irrespective of the author’s faith or background.
We encourage content on the following categories:
We do not publish articles on:
To maintain the quality and integrity of our platform, please follow these guidelines:
Send your article or pitch to info@LearnQuranSalah.com.
We look forward to reading your submissions and sharing meaningful content with our audience!