Learn Quran & Salah

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Contribute to LearnQuranSalah

We’re always seeking fresh, engaging, and high-quality content to enrich our platform. Before submitting your pitch, take some time to explore our site and understand the topics we cover. This will ensure your ideas align well with our audience’s needs and interests. Please note, we do not accept guest posts that have been previously published elsewhere.

Share Your Best Work with Our Readers

At LearnQuranSalah, we strive to maintain a respectful, inclusive, and inspiring platform for our readers. We will not publish any content that promotes hate or negativity toward any religion, community, country, or political party. Instead, we welcome guest posts that encourage peace, understanding, and unity, irrespective of the author’s faith or background.

Topics We Accept

We encourage content on the following categories:

  • Benefits and Virtues: The significance of Quranic verses, Hadith, or Islamic practices.
  • Seerah & Companions: Lessons from the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions.
  • Durood Sharif: Importance and blessings of reciting Durood Sharif.
  • Islam: Articles covering Islamic values, teachings, and practices.
  • Kalima: Insights into the six Kalimas of Islam.
  • Naat Lyrics: Submissions of well-loved Naats and their meanings.
  • Quran: Discussions on Quranic teachings, Tajweed, and memorization tips.
  • Quran Verses: Explanations and interpretations of specific verses.
  • Ramadan: Topics related to fasting, spirituality, and rewards during Ramadan.
  • Wazifa: Recommended supplications for various situations.
  • Hadith: Authentic teachings and explanations from the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Hajj: Insights into the rituals and significance of Hajj.

Content We Do Not Accept

We do not publish articles on:

  • Political or Fiqh debates.
  • Aqeedah (Creed-related controversies).
  • Fiction or Poetry.
  • Content that incites hatred, division, or conflict.

Guidelines for Submitting Content

To maintain the quality and integrity of our platform, please follow these guidelines:

  • Inspire and Motivate: Write with the intention to educate, inspire, and uplift readers in their journey of learning Islam, Quran, and Hadith.
  • Engaging Tone: Avoid sounding like a textbook. Write from your perspective, reflecting personal experiences or insights.
  • Positive Lessons: Ensure your content leaves readers with valuable and positive takeaways.
  • Word Count: Articles should be between 800–1200 words.
  • Original Content: All submissions must be original and unpublished elsewhere. Plagiarized content will not be accepted.
  • Copyright: Once published, LearnQuranSalah will hold the copyright to the article, and it cannot be reposted or printed elsewhere.
  • References: Quranic verses and Hadith quotes must be authentic and include proper references.
  • Grammar & Structure: Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Break the text into short paragraphs and use bullet points for better readability.
  • Submission Format: Submit your article in Word or any other editable format.

Important Notes

  • Submission does not guarantee publication. Only articles that provide genuine value to readers will be selected for publishing.
  • LearnQuranSalah reserves the right to publish accepted articles on other platforms or websites.
  • If you have a personal blog or website, we can provide one no-follow link.

How to Submit Your Guest Post?

Send your article or pitch to info@LearnQuranSalah.com.

We look forward to reading your submissions and sharing meaningful content with our audience!

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